Converting data from other systems into a standard MARC record format


Electronic Data Transfer
We take pride in our 24 years of experience, knowledge and dedication to converting and enhancing all data types.
Retrospective Conversion
Mandarin expert technicians will guide the retrospective conversion process from start to finish, coordinating with experienced third party vendors.
Union Catalog
Mandarin Software allows users to create, maintain, and communicate using the Merge or virtual union catalog models.
Authority Record Processing
When there is consistency in the forms of headings for personal, corporate and place names, uniform and series titles and subjects, your patrons can easily locate cataloged materials. Improve access to your library's collection by utilizing Authority Record Processing Service.
MarciveWeb SELECT is a fast, affordable, accurate way to get MARC records for your new acquisitions, backlog, audiovisuals, government documents and other formats.
Custom Data Cleanup and Brief Record Upgrade
MITINET General Custom Data Cleanup and Brief Record Upgrade service will provide you with fully optimized and consistent MARC records with data enhancements throughout your entire catalog.