July 2016
New Features.
- Each reading program can now be turned on or off individually under Setup > Options > “enable_[reading_program_name]” > on/off. This will add/remove information for each reading program from the record formats and post-query filters.
- A slider on the Standard Search has been added to pre-query filter a search by Reading Level range. This feature is on by default if any reading programs are active. If all reading programs are disabled, the slider will not display. The slider can also be added/removed manually in Setup > Options > “range_searching” > on/off.
Issues Addressed.
- A query on the ISBN is now used to populate title and author information for Recommended Readings. The path to the local cover image, if available, will be used and displayed in place of the Syndetic image.
- MARC tag searches from Visual Search have been implemented. Post-query filters are not currently supported for this feature.
- Implemented deep-link URL to record details: clicking the Title link now takes the user into Details.
- When editing an Equipment record, Catalog now uses the correct template/definition.
- Some improvement in handling operators and stop words when searching PostgreSQL.
- Some improvement in resource utilization.
- Tool tip labels have been added to Recommended Reading and Gallery images.
- When clicking the Home button, search terms and search results are cleared.
- Circulation no longer references the prior loan when an item that was marked missing is scanned, unless the item was marked missing when there was an open loan transaction.
- Implemented the ability to forgive fines for lost items that are scanned into Circulation.
- If a fine had been paid on a lost book, it is now possible to create a Refund for the prior patron when scanning the item in Return or Loan mode.
- When editing an Equipment record, Circulation now loads the correct template/definition.
- The Self Mode session has been isolated from returning to a logged-in Catalog or Circulation session.
- The Payment screen now includes a Due Date column for fines, and a new interface has been added for refunds.
- Payments and forgiveness can now be applied to specific fines, and these can be partial values.
Advanced Cataloging.
- Now supports integration with Mitinet BestMARC.
Group Editor.
- When editing an Equipment record, Group Editor now uses the correct template/definition.
EMAIL US: automation@mlasolutions.com